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Welcome Felix! Felix has joined the Distributed Quantum Systems Team for his PhD. Felix will work on combining quantum logic with photon-interfacing in trapped-ion quantum network nodes
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Congratulations, Tabea!
Thesis Titled: Implementation of a Controlled-NOT Gate with Quantum Memory Application for Trapped Ions
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Welcome Bruce! Bruce has joined the Hyperion Team for his Master’s project, where he will work on ground state control of Barium ions with RF and microwaves.
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Welcome Tatjana! Tatjana has joined the Distributed Quantum Systems Group for her Master’s project, where she works on characterizing a fiber channel between the campus Technik and Mutters, and is involved in building the remote photon detection station at Mutters.
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Congratulations, Vojta!
Thesis Titled: A Trapped-Ion Quantum Network over 230m
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Welcome Walter! Walter has joined the HYPERION team for his Master's project, where he will work on the single-ion addressing unit.
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Martin Ringbauer vom Institut für Experimentalphysik wurde vergangene Woche mit dem Hans-und-Walter-Thirring-Preis für seine hervorragenden wissenschaftlichen Leistungen im Bereich Quantencomputing ausgezeichnet. Der mit 4.000 Euro dotierte Preis wird von der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften verliehen.
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Welcome Sara! Sara has joined the BARIUM team for her Master's project, where she will develop a transportable ion trap suitable to carry antimatter.
Her work will be performed in collaboration with the AEgIS experiment at CERN and the University of Siegen.
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Congratulations, Johannes!
Thesis Titled: Radio frequency control of a trapped-ion quantum network node