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Matthias Knoll has joined Tracy's Nanospheres And Ions team as a master student. He will be working on the implementation of a feedback system for cooling nanoparticles in optical traps.

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Congratulations, Michael!
Thesis Tile: Precision spectroscopy with trapped 40Ca+ and 27Al+ ions

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Christoph Steinlechner has now joined the Quantum Simulation team as master student. He will be working on designing single-ion addressing optics.

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Paper in PRL published! We devise schemes for demonstrating the symmetrization postulate for indistinguishability in the most elementary form. In particular, we show how to directly measure the phase that two identical trapped ions or neutral atoms acquire when exchanged using a Ramsey-like two-atom interference experiment.
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Lisa Schmöger has finished her PhD on the use of cold highly-charged ions for metrology and fundamental physics at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. Here in Innsbruck, she has joined Tracy's Nanospheres & Ions team.

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Our paper on the efficient tomography of a quantum many-body system comprised of up to 14 ions has been published by Nature Physics.

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Our paper on the direct observation of a dynamical quantum phase transition in a string of trapped ions has been published by PRL.
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After working in the lab as a summer student, Julian Rickert has now joined the eQual team as master student. He will be working on single-ion addressing with laser beams via fibre and mirror arrays.

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Dmitry has joined Tracy's Nanospheres and Ions project as a PostDoc. He got his PhD at the MPL Erlangen for his work on trapping particles in hollow-core photonic crystal fibers and its applications. In Innsbruck, he will be building an integrated ion-trap and cavity setup for co-trapping ions and nanospheres.