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Markus has studied physics in Innsbruck and has now started his master's thesis in our group. He will work on the implementation of a new setup for single-ion addressing in the Cavity QED project.

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Heng has just received his PhD in the Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, where he worked in Eugene Polzik's group. During his thesis work, he generated spin-squeezed states of room-temperature atomic ensembles and used them to enhance the sensitivity of a magnetometric measurement. He also demonstrated deterministic continuous variable teleportation between two ensembles. In our group, he will be working in the quantum simulation team at the IQOQI.

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Moonjoo Lee has received a Lise Meitner fellowship for his proposal "Looking inside an optical cavity with trapped ions"!
Congratulations, Moonjoo!

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Felicitaciones Bernardo!
Thesis title: "Two ions coupled to an optical cavity: from an enhanced quantum computer interface towards distributed quantum computing".

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Congratulations Michi!
Thesis title: "Cryogenic surface ion traps".

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Magnetic interactions engineered by dressing a string of trapped ions with laser light can be described in terms of interacting quasiparticles. Our paper describing many-body Ramsey spectroscopy of these quasiparticles has been published by Physical Review Letters.

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The Rydberg Strontium Ions experiment has moved to the University of Stockholm, Sweden.

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The 2015 John Stewart Bell Prize for Research on Fundamental Issues in Quantum Mechanics and Their Applications has been awarded to Prof. Rainer Blatt. More information here.

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Well done Muir!
Thesis title: "2D arrays of ion traps for large scale integration of quantum information processors".