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Tetsu Takekoshi has joined the group as a PostDoc.
Tetsu has done his PhD at the University of Southern California on quasi-electrostatic trapping of neutral atoms. His most recent position was a PostDoc in the cold atoms group of our institute. He will now work in the eQual team on scalable quantum information processing.
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Reouven Assouly has joined the group as trainee. Reouven is studying physics at the ENS in Paris and will be staying with us for five months. He will be working on the 2D-arrays project in our group with Philip Holz.

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Congratulations, Regina!
Thesis title: “Multimode cooling techniques for trapped ions”

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The simulation of real-time dynamics of lattice gauge theories has been named as one of the top ten pyhsics breakthroughs of the year by IOP physics world. Congratulations! (Source, Article)
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Pierre Jobez has joined the CQED team as a postdoc. Pierre did his PhD at the Université de Genève in Nicolas Gisin's group. His topic was the development of a solid-state quantum memory with millisecond storage time and high efficiency. In our group, he will be working as a postdoc on the fiber cavity project.

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Florian Kranzl has joined the Cavity QED team as a master student. He has studied physics in Innsbruck and will now work on the Fibercavity project. He will improve the annealing of fibre-based cavities as well as their characterization.

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Helene Hainzer has joined the PhiNet team as a master student. She has studied in Innsbruck and will now work on her master thesis. She will set up a new reference cavity for the transfer lock of the new PhiNet cavity-QED setup.

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Viktor has recently joined our group. He got his masters and PhD degrees from the Department of Physics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia. His research was focussed on the application of nonlinear optics for studying nanostructures. After finishing his thesis, titled "Magnetization-induced effects in optical and nonlinear-optical response of metallic nanoparticles", he has now joined the PhiNet-team to work on quantum interfaces and frequency conversion.