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Congratulations, Roman!
Thesis Titled: Characterization, verification & protection of large-scale quantum systems

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Welcome Yash! Yash completed his Bachelors and Masters from IISER Tirupati, India. For his Masters’ thesis, he worked on optical lattices for ultracold atoms at the Australian National University. Yash is doing an internship in the Distributed Quantum System's group, and will be helping to design a new ion-trap quantum network node.

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Welcome Felix! Felix has joined the Distributed Quantum Systems Team for his PhD. Felix will work on combining quantum logic with photon-interfacing in trapped-ion quantum network nodes

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Congratulations, Tabea!
Thesis Titled: Implementation of a Controlled-NOT Gate with Quantum Memory Application for Trapped Ions

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Welcome Bruce! Bruce has joined the Hyperion Team for his Master’s project, where he will work on ground state control of Barium ions with RF and microwaves.

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Welcome Tatjana! Tatjana has joined the Distributed Quantum Systems Group for her Master’s project, where she works on characterizing a fiber channel between the campus Technik and Mutters, and is involved in building the remote photon detection station at Mutters.

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Congratulations, Vojta!
Thesis Titled: A Trapped-Ion Quantum Network over 230m

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Welcome Walter! Walter has joined the HYPERION team for his Master's project, where he will work on the single-ion addressing unit.

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Martin Ringbauer vom Institut für Experimentalphysik wurde vergangene Woche mit dem Hans-und-Walter-Thirring-Preis für seine hervorragenden wissenschaftlichen Leistungen im Bereich Quantencomputing ausgezeichnet. Der mit 4.000 Euro dotierte Preis wird von der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften verliehen.