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Giovanni has joined the group as a PostDoc. He obtained his PhD from the university of Heidelberg on laser cooling of negative ions and spectroscopy of negatively charged Lanthanum. In Innsbruck, his work on the Barium project will focus on the new setup based on a hemispherical mirror.
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Marc has joined the group as a Master student. He will be working on developing automation routines and integrating them into the new experiment control software of the LinTrap experiment.

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Scientists in our group, TU Wien and the ÖAW have for the first time demonstrated a wave effect that can lead to measurement errors in the optical position estimation of objects. The work now published in Nature Physics could have consequences for optical microscopy, but could also play a role in position measurements using sound, radar, or gravitational waves.
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Silke has joined the group as a PhD student. She did her master's in the Photonics group of Prof. Weihs and will now work on the development of surface traps in a collaboration with Infineon, Villach.
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Maria Galli has joined the group as a PhD student. She did her master's at the University of Milan and the Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics on Bohmian trajectories of photons in a double slit experiment. In Innsbruck, she will work on connecting the three cavity QED experiments in a quantum network.
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Yunfei has joined the group as a Postdoc. He did his PhD at the Tsinghua University, Beijing, on two-dimensional quantum memory arrays in atomic ensembles. In Innsbruck, he will be working on linking the three cavity QED experiments in a quantum network.
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Yueyang has joined the fiber cavity experiment as a Postdoc. She did her PhD at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology on cavity QED experiments with ultracold Ytterbium atoms. In Innsbruck, she will help to build the new fiber cavity setup.

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Viktor has joined the fiber cavity team for his PhD. He did his master at Universität Bayreuth on molecular spectroscopy of soft matter. Here in Innsbruck, he will work on setting up the new fiber cavity setup.
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Lukaš Podhora has joined the Barium team for the next six months. Lukaš is studying for a PhD at Olomouc university. During his internship in our lab, he will help setting up the new Barium trap experiment, which includes a hemispherical mirror, and work on measurements of ion motion using a fast camera.